
Can Dogs Eat Potatoes?

Can dogs eat potatoes?

If there is one vegetable universally recognized, potatoes might be the champion! Potatoes are so versatile that we have used it to create all sorts of dishes. In addition, it can be served with pretty much anything.

But, what about dogs? is it safe for dogs to eat potatoes? will it hurt dogs?

If you haven’t read our post on our home page where we explain what we mean by eat in can dogs eat? we recommend you check it out.

If you don’t want to read the techy stuff, go straight to our conclusion

What are potatoes?

Potatoes are root vegetables native to the Americas, and were introduced to Europe from the Americas in the second half of the 16th century by the Spanish.

Today they are a staple food in many parts of the world and an integral part of much of the world’s food supply with India and China leading the world in overall production as of 2018.

What kind of vitamins and nutrients do dogs need?

A dog’s nutritional needs are different than ours, obviously. However, like us, the right amount and combination of vitamins and nutrients are essential to ensure that dogs are healthy.

Vitamins are organic substances that the body needs to grow naturally. Typically, they are required in dog food in minimal amounts, and vitamin deficiencies can cause many health problems.

The most important vitamins that the dog’s body needs are:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B family
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Choline

Whereas for nutrients, they need:

  • Calcium and phosphorus
  • Potassium, Sodium, and Chloride
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Selenium

For more details information on each of those vitamins’ benefit to your dog read this great article by the national academy of science engineering medicine

Nutritional benefit of potatoes to a dog’s diet?

So, how good are asparagus for dogs? you could read the complete analysis of 100g of raw potatoes with skin on the the US Department of Agriculture. Alternatively, here is the summary table which is available on the nutritionix website.

can dogs eat potatoes

A  typical raw potato is 79% water, 17% carbohydrates (88% is starch), 2% protein, and contains negligible fat (see table).

In a 100-gram (3+12-ounce) portion, raw potato provides 322 kilojoules (77 kilocalories) of food energy and is a rich source of vitamin B6 and vitamin C . The potato is rarely eaten raw.

When a potato is baked, its contents of vitamin B6 and vitamin C decline notably, while there is little significant change in the amount of other nutrients.[58]

Potatoes starch is hard to digest when potatoes are eaten raw and may cause digestive problem. Potatoes are also high on sugar and are not recommended for diabetic dogs.

Sweet potatoes are a healthier option for dogs, only if you are sure they need to eat some.

However, raw potatoes are toxic to dogs as they contain a substance called solanine. Solanine poisoning symptoms include diarrhea, and vomiting.

If you want to feed your dogs potatoes, make sure they are cooked.

How do you prepare potatoes?

To avoid any solanine poisoning, It is best to prepare them cooked, prepared in boiling water. You can serve them whole, in chunks or mashed.

Do not add anything else, salt, butter or other sauce, garlic, onions..etc.. cooked au naturel is what is needed.

Can dogs eat potatoes?

Yes and No. Diabetic dogs shouldn’t be given any. Potatoes should only be served cooked to avoid any poisoning.

Raw potatoes contain a toxic substance to dogs called solanine and shouldn’t be fed to dogs at all.



1 – Can dogs eat potatoes? Yes, but cooked only. Raw potatoes are toxic to dogs.

2 – Can dogs eat mashed potatoes? Yes, they are cooked potatoes, however without butter or milk, or oil. Those aren’t good for dogs

3 – Can dogs eat raw potatoes? No, raw potatoes are toxic to dogs

4 – Can dogs eat boiled potatoes? Yes, that’s the best way to feed potatoes to a dog

5 – Can dogs eat potatoes skin? No, raw potatoes skin is toxic to dogs and cooked potatoes skin is usually done with fat, which isn’t good for dogs either

6 – Can dogs eat fried potatoes? No, fat product (oils of all sorts, butter, etc..) aren’t good for dogs..unless you want to mop up some dog’s diarrhea

7 – Can dogs eat baked potatoes? Yes, if no fat, salt, garlic (toxic), onions (toxic)..etc.. has been added to it

8 – Can dogs eat potatoes chips? No, home made they are done with fat (bad for dogs) and bought in shop they are processed food with a lot of salt, sugar, fat and other additives

9 – Can dogs eat instant mashed potatoes? No, this is a highly processed food with loads of fat, salt, sugar and other additives

10 – Can dogs eat mashed potatoes and gravy? Yes for the mash potatoes if done without butter, salt, oil, garlic (toxic), onion (toxic). No for the gravy as it is a highly processed food with loads of fat, salt, sugar and other additives